Make with the Funny

Jenn and I really like Last Comic Standing. Our favorite comedian is John Heffron. He cracks both of us up. Unfortunately, I identify with too much of his routine. Like the part about playing video games for four hours, going to bed, and waking up in the middle of the night thinking "I know how to get past that boss now!" This is season three of Last Comic Standing (LCS) and John is back with the rest of the cast from his season to take on the season one folks. John Heffron won the second season contest, and he looks poised to do it again.

At the end of last season, they showed some of the clips of comics that didn't make the cut. I was surprised to see someone that I recognized. Mark Britten, better known as The China Man, was in the group of cut performers. Jenn and I went to see him with at a local club, and I about fell out of my chair from laughing so hard. He was really funny. Part of his act is a spoof on Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unfortunately, now that Arnold is the governor of California, everyone was doing impressions. Mark only had a couple of minutes to impress the panel, and he made the mistake of using the tired Schwarzenegger routine. It's a real shame too, because his other material is really funny. He also does a lot of the voices for characters in cartoons. Mostly anime stuff, like Dragonball Z. After the show, I got an autographed card that had some of his stats. I've posted the both sides of the card below.


Jade Mason