USA Baby

Way way back in August or September Jenn and I went looking for some baby furniture. We knew that we needed a crib and a changing station. The first store we stopped in was pretty scary. Then we went over to USA Baby. They had a nice selection of furniture, and a lot of cute sheets and blankets. We selected a crib, a changing station, and a glider. We got to the register, and a guy smacking some chewing gum took our order. This guy was your stereotypical greaseball salesman with his hair all slicked back and chomping on his gum. He told us it would be six to eight weeks to receive the furniture. In November, we got a call to let us know that our furniture was ready, except for the glider. We went and picked up our stuff. We loved it! The crib and changing station looked great. We asked about the glider and they said it was still on order. At the end of November, still no glider. So Jenn gave them a call to see what was going on. We got a message back that said that the company in California that manufactures the glider never received the Purchase Order. The message said that they would re-fax the order and put a rush on it. They said it may still take six to eight weeks. That was cutting it pretty close to the due date, but still okay. So Jenn went into USA Baby on Sunday with our friend Karla to pick up Karla's bedding (she is pregnant as well) and our mobile. Jenn asked about the status of the glider. The clerk said that she didn't have any updates since the PO was issued, but that she would call on Monday to find out. Today, Jenn gets a call from the clerk. They've lost the PO!!! Again?!?! Evidently, even though the message said that they were going to re-issue the Purchase Order, they never got around to it. So for the last month, they've known that our glider wasn't on order, but they didn't do anything about it. Jenn was assured, again, that they would put the order in and put a rush on it. The attendant said that we could probably get the glider in two to three weeks. Even if they meet the two week deadline, that is putting us dangerously close to Jenn's due date of Feb. 18th. Not only that, but why have they bungled this order so badly? We've never gotten a really good vibe from the staff at USA Baby. One girl working the counter was wearing skin-tight leopard print, just what every expecting mother wants to see. A coworker of mine related a story about how he went in at the end of the day on Sunday during a one day sale. The clerk was closing the store, but assured him that if he came back tomorrow, he would receive the discount. So he dutifully went back the next day and spoke to the same clerk, who acted as if he had never seen him before!! So from now on, we are going to avoid USA Baby, and I would recommend that you do the same.


Jade Mason