High Score

I'm pretty proud of this high score. I was given many gifts throughout life: great family, a good set of brains, a healthy body.... but rhythm was never one of those gifts. Donkey Konga is a game all about rhythm, and this is my high score playing on the medium difficulty level on a very hard song (7 out of 8 bananas on the difficulty scale). I love electronic music, and I'm a big Crystal Method fan, so maybe I had a little bit of an advantage on this one.

Donkey Konga is fun in so many ways, it is really hard to explain. First, it is fun to try and get the beats down, because when I started I felt like I was just smacking at the bongos. Jenn and I had a good time laughing at ourselves and how bad we were to start. It is also fun to challenge yourself on some of the songs, just to see if you can keep up. Another way it is fun is when you get into the groove of one of the songs and you don't really have to concentrate on hitting the right note... it just sort of happens. Ahhhh... the zen of Donkey Konga.....

Okay, it's 2am and I've been playing for over 4 hours.... time to get some shut eye.


Troy said...

Are you losing any weight? Playing 4 hours how many hours a week do you play? Send me a reply at sharntroy@yahoo.com when you have a chance. I have an x-box and have been thinking about getting one of there. Lars told me he picked it up but could only do it for about 20 minutes. LOL

Adam Jones said...

I haven't played it as much this past week as I've had a cold. I don't think I'm losing any weight. The bongos just aren't enough of an aerobic exercise. Of course, It could be that I just need to play the next difficulty level. The DDR games have calorie counters, and get your whole body in motion. I can see how those games might give you more of a legitimate workout. Sure, I perspire a bit with the bongos, but all I'm getting are gorilla arms.

Troy said...

I understand this is your highscore but why does it say BORN TO SLOW... LOL that is too funny!

Adam Jones said...

I was lucky enough to get an XBox for Father's Day, along with a couple of dance pads and DDR UltraMix. We are going to try to use it at least four times a week, 30 minutes at a time. That should make for a pretty good aerobic workout.

Jade Mason